The following ethics cases were reviewed by the chapter ethics committee in 2009:
- One member did not take the fitness test, did not submit a Refresher Test answer sheet and did not attend a Rules Interpretation Meeting. This member only attended one business meeting. Lost assignments and was fined $200.
- One member did not have all required referee shirts. Received a reprimand.
- One member failed to attend any chapter meetings this year after not fulfilling meeting requirements in 2008. Fined $50.
- Two probationary members did not attend the requisite number of chapter meetings. Each was fined $50 and their probation was extended another year.
- Eleven members did not attend the requisite number of chapter meetings. All appeals were approved pending future compliance with meeting attendance requirements.
- One member officiated a match without passing the fitness test. Received a verbal reprimand and did not officiate any intercollegiate soccer matches for the balance of the 2009 season.
Ethics cases are reported and processed in accordance with our policies and our chapter constitution.
The following ethics cases were presented to the Executive Board for consideration in 2007. The results of the cases are summarized below:
- Five members did not attend the requisite number of business meetings. Members were fined $50. Appeals were denied.
- Two members did not attend the requisite number of business meetings. Appeals were partially upheld. Members were fined $25.
- Twelve members did not attend any business meetings. Members were fined $50. Nine members placed on one year of probation based on the information provided in their appeal.
- One member did not attend the requisite number of business meetings. Appeal was approved. No fine imposed.
NISOA requires members to attend two business meetings in addition to our chapter annual rules interpretation meeting (where we conduct a business meeting). Our ethics committee used the following guidelines (considering mitigating circumstances provided by the member) for these cases:
- Attended only one business meeting during the season. Fine imposed.
- Did not attend a business meeting during the season. Fine plus probationary status imposed.
Ethics cases are reported and processed in accordance with our policies and our chapter constitution.
This year’s NISOA Preseason Guide includes this point of emphasis regarding professionalism:
There are many issues surrounding professionalism. The point of emphasis only focuses on one area. Do not over extend yourself and accept multiple assignments on any given day. Games can go overtime, traffic can develop and more. You cannot do justice to any game if you accept multiple assignments at the collegiate level or accept high school or other games in addition to the college game you are doing. As a NISOA member, you must give 100 percent to the game you are assigned. Working a game(s) before or after the college assignment or accepting multiple college games in one day will only result in doing a game that is not at your top performance level. Before accepting games, review the calendar and make a professional decision.
Accepting multiple assignments on a single day is strongly discouraged by the Executive Board. Ethics infractions caused by accepting multiple assignments will be severely dealt with by the Ethics Committee.