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ECAC Assigning

Officials registered with ECAC received the following information from Steve Rossetti at ECAC regarding their pending change of assigning software:

ATTENTION: NEW OFFICIALS. If you were a new ECAC official after July 1, 2006, please notify Steve Rossetti at the ECAC with your email address, SS#, home address, phone numbers, so they can all be entered into the new system under your name.
ATTENTION: INACTIVE OFFICIALS. If you were an inactive official during the 2005-2006 school year, you need to notify Steve Rossetti so that he can activate you and update your personal data in the system.

New officials may use this form to get this information to Steve so you can receive ECAC assignments this season.

ECAC Availability Now Open

Please download the 2007 ECAC availability sheet (Adobe Acrobat Reader required) and return it to Alan Wharton via fax or US Mail as soon as possible. Cross off the dates you are not available and identify any special requirements you may have.

ECAC Assigning

ECAC is changing their web-based assigning software from AssignByWeb back to Lokitech. Lokitech provided ECAC with assigning software for a couple of years prior to 2006. The new ECAC assigning system is currently planned to go live on July 1. You can expect to receive an email from ECAC soon after July 1 with instructions on how to log in to the new system.

2007 ECAC Availability Update

You will be receiving an email from Alan Wharton in the next week or so with an attachment for your 2007 ECAC availability. Please download the attachment, fill it out and fax it back to Alan. The availability form will have detailed instructions.

Many institutions have not provided ECAC with their 2007 schedule yet. The goal is to complete the ECAC assigning process by July 1.

Alan is using the email addresses he has on his system. If you have recently changed your email address, please let him know by filling out this form or sending him an email if you want to keep a record copy.