We received reports detailing technical and access problems with the NCAA Soccer Ejection Reporting site over the past week. The technical issues have been resolved according to the NCAA so if you have been unable to submit ejection reports this season, please go back to the site and fill out the report.
Player safety, especially head injury awareness, continues to remain a point of emphasis in intercollegiate soccer. As part of the officiating crew, please make sure you are aware of signs and symptoms of concussions. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention has excellent educational and awareness resources for this important part of our officiating responsibility. As part of your match preparation, please review this resource before your next assignment.
Remember to stop the match and beckon medical staff onto the field immediately upon observing a potential head injury.
Please make sure you check in with the home team site administration when you arrive at the match site, prior to inspecting the field and match equipment. Do not assume the site administration knows you are present. Advise the site administrator whether you will use the onsite locker room facilities at half time or at the end of the match. Pre-match communication goes a long way toward increasing professionalism and reducing anxiety.
Jack Sweeney, the assignor for NJCAA Region XV, has provided a summary of the NJCAA rules of competition which differ from the NCAA Soccer Rules for the 2015 soccer season. Please notice player management for cautions and clock management differences.
The match report to be used for NJCAA Region XV games is also available here.
Due to a conflict, our Mandatory Annual Rules Meeting on August 29, 2015 has been relocated to Harry J. Schure Hall, room #130 on the Old Westbury Campus of New York Institute of Technology. Please park in the large parking lot to your immediate right when you enter the campus from Northern Blvd., walk up the stairs and cross the entrance road to Schure Hall. Light breakfast will be served at 8:30 AM.
Special thanks to James Massari and the entire Athletics Department at New York Tech for their continued support of our program.

Nabil Al-Saidi
Nabil Al-Saidi was recognized at the NISOA Annual Awards dinner on July 18, 2015 in San Antonio, Texas as the 2014 NISOA Region II Referee of the Year. Each year, NISOA selects a member from each region for this prestigious award. The last chapter member to be so recognized was Arnold Klein. The criteria for the award includes:
- Demonstrating professionalism on and off the field.
- Willingness to help other officials succeed.
- Shows a positive attitude towards NISOA programs.
- Displays outstanding mental and physical fitness.
- Always wears the NISOA badge with pride.
Nabil is one of the chapter’s NISOA National Referees and continues to represent our chapter in an exemplary manner. He will receive the award at our mandatory annual rules interpretation meeting on August 29, 2015.

Bob Fischer
Former NY Metro ISOA chapter president, Robert Fischer was inducted into the NISOA Hall of Fame at the Annual Awards dinner in San Antonio, Texas on July 18, 2015.
Bob’s soccer accomplishments are memorialized on the NISOA Hall of Fame web page including multiple national championship games. Bob has been a member of the NISOA Executive Board and Executive Council for many years. He has helped shape NISOA policy as well as provide leadership for Region V. Congratulations to Bob on his well earned recognition and exemplary service to NISOA and intercollegiate soccer.