Violence and Safety in the Central Atlantic Collegiate Conference

We received this email from Nick Cinquanto, Supervisor of Soccer Officials for the Central Atlantic Collegiate Soccer Conference. Local conference teams include Concordia College, Nyack College, and Dominican College.

TO:  Central Atlantic Collegiate Conference Soccer Officials

FROM:  Nick Cinquanto, CACC Soccer Assignor

RE:  Areas of Concern


Already this season there is concern about some violent tackles that have gone unpunished, particularly when a player is sitting on a yellow card. This type of play cannot be allowed. One of the concerns of the Conference and the coaches was that they wanted the game “cleaned up.” There will be no repercussions toward officials for players being sent off for just cause.


The rule is very clear on this issue… “Uses profane language in an incidental manner” is a cautionable offense. “Uses abusive, threatening or obscene language or engages in such behavior or conduct” is an automatic ejection.

We have had cases this past weekend where this has occurred and it went unpunished. This can not be allowed to continue. We cannot turn a deaf ear to this type of behavior. Again, there will be no repercussions for following the rules, and you will have the full support of the Conference. The Conference and the School Administrators want this enforced.


One of the AR1 duties is to take control of the benches. Each person on the bench has a specific role to play. The coaching staff has the power to coach from their bench area. If they leave the area, you warn the coach. The next infraction is a caution and the third is an ejection. Trainers and other bench personnel are there to take care of injured players. The players are there for support of their team and to learn from the coaching staff and to play if called upon. In no way should there be any continued outbursts or verbal abuse from the bench towards the officials to influence the decisions of the referee crew. If this happens, warn the coach and then caution the appropriate personnel. If it continues and further action is warranted then eject the offender.

Again please note you have the full support of this supervisor and the Conference. The one area we can not support you is a lack of Knowledge and Application of NCAA rules. It is every COLLEGIATE/NISOA official’s responsibility to have knowledge of NCAA rules and to properly apply them.

A copy of Ejection Reports must be sent to me with in 24 hours of the ejection. All ejections are reviewed by the Conference Commissioner for possible further action.

Thank You,

Nick Cinquanto

CSAC Supervisor of Soccer Officials

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