One of the keen differences between the Laws of the Game and the NCAA Soccer Rules is the NCAA’s position of zero tolerance for profane and obscene language. “Using profane language in an incidental manner” is a mandatory caution. Abusive, threatening, hostile or obscene language is an ejection offense. As a clinician, every year I discuss this important rules difference and make it a point that referees correctly and courageously enforce the NCAA Soccer Rules in this area.
I want to share a recent email that was sent to me. Read the rest of this entry »
A consistent point of emphasis during our chapter business meetings has been dealing with misconduct from the coaching and team area. It’s one thing to hear a clinician talk about generalities but I wanted to share this report from one of the match officials for a local intercollegiate match (details redacted since they are not really important). Read the rest of this entry »
The 2008 NISOA Preseason Guide contains an error regarding the display of cards for an ejection when a player receives a second caution in the same match. From Ken Andres, Jr., NISOA National Rules Interpreter:
The NISOA 2008 Preseason Guide contains an article on Page 1 entitled “Second Card is Always Red,” which sets forth an incorrect officiating mechanic with regard to NCAA Men’s and Women’s Soccer Rule 5.5.3. The Preseason Guide article incorrectly states that the referee should not display a yellow card when issuing a second caution to a player. This is not correct and wrongfully interprets a 2008-2009 clarification of R.5.5.3, which addresses the issue of a second caution for Accumulated Cautions and Game Suspensions purposes pursuant to Rule 12.18.1. A player cannot be “charged” with a second caution in the same game for card accumulation purposes within R.12.18.1, but this clarification does not change the NISOA officiating mechanic when a player commits a second cautionable offense. The proper officiating mechanic when a player commits a second cautionable offense is as follows: The referee shall display a yellow card, followed immediately by a red card. See R.5.5.3.
The NCAA soccer rules are very strict and specific regarding shirt and shorts pulling. From Page 74 of the 2007 NCAA Soccer rules book:
A.R. 108. A player holds an opponent by grabbing his or her clothing. RULING: Caution the offending player and award a direct free kick or penalty kick if the offense occurs in the penalty area.
We need to be consistent applying the Approved Ruling.
This is an excellent article with tips and techniques for dealing with players from the offending team who delay free kick restarts.
For the Integrity of Soccer: PAY ATTENTION TO THIS ONE !