Bob Fischer
Former NY Metro ISOA chapter president, Robert Fischer was inducted into the NISOA Hall of Fame at the Annual Awards dinner in San Antonio, Texas on July 18, 2015.
Bob’s soccer accomplishments are memorialized on the NISOA Hall of Fame web page including multiple national championship games. Bob has been a member of the NISOA Executive Board and Executive Council for many years. He has helped shape NISOA policy as well as provide leadership for Region V. Congratulations to Bob on his well earned recognition and exemplary service to NISOA and intercollegiate soccer.
By: John Puglisi, NISOA National Clinician
If you are interested in the NISOA National Referee Program, now is a good time to start preparing to apply for the 2016 season. The National Referee tab on nisoa.com has all the information you need to make the decision whether the National Referee program is for you. I strongly recommend working with Klaus Mueller to get the necessary assessments (2 as referee, one as assistant referee) done during the upcoming 2015 season to get you on your way.
Our chapter currently has several National Referees on our roster who can also provide insight to the program. Our National Referees are Nabil Al-Saidi, Saam Jalayer, Ayo Obesisan, Mike Godi, and Steve Danisi.
The 2015 NY Metro ISOA meeting schedule is now available. Get the dates, times and locations for the NISOA fitness test, the annual mandatory rules clinic, awards dinner and business meetings. Read the rest of this entry »
NISOA Policy Code 900.37 requires each NISOA member to annually certify their conduct to maintain membership status. NY Metro ISOA members shall make this certification on the certification form in our Policies and Procedures section of the web site.
Jack Sweeney has provided a full description of the NJCAA Soccer Rules differences and Region XV match report. Major soccer rules differences and points of emphasis include:
- Unlimited substitutions;
- A team may substitute on their own throw-ins, own corner kicks or any goal kick;
- If the team in possession does substitute and the opposing team has a substitute waited at half-field, the opposing team may also substitute at that time;
- Substitutes should always be waiting at half-field to enter the game, not in front of their bench area;
- When a player is cautioned, a substitute must report into the game for the cautioned player. The substitute must remain in the game until the next legal substitution opportunity as a minimum. This provision applies to the goalkeeper;
- The clock does not stop during substitutions;
- The clock only stops on goals, injuries (when the referee stops the game), cautions and ejections;
- Overtime is two, 10 minute sudden-death periods.
According to their website, SUNY Ulster (NJCAA, Region XV) has canceled their 2014 men’s soccer schedule.
Due to a conflict, the NY Metro ISOA Annual Awards Dinner has been rescheduled to November 17, 2014.