NY Metro Area ECAC Assigning Update
by Lou Minutoli, ECAC's New York Metro area assigner.
The following ECAC assigning update was provided by Lou Minutoli:
First of all…thanks for all your support during the transition of assigners.
I have already assigned matches for sixty or so of our officials and hope to have preliminary schedules out to everybody in the next two weeks. I prefer talking to people the first time around so I can get a feel of where you are, where you are able to go, and other personal information which might make my job easier.
If you have not spoken to me or contacted me via e-mail…please do so. I am usually home after 2pm and will accept phone calls until 9pm. Please DO NOT call my home after 9pm…I will return that favor by not calling you after 9pm either.
I am ALWAYS available by cell phone for emergencies…and…if I don’t answer…I’m probably on the phone with someone else, fighting a fire, or taking a picture…so be patient…I’ll get back to you.
As with most assigners I urge you to keep your availability up-to-date. We only have the ECAC website to work at this point so get used to using it. https://officiating.prestosports.com/official
Your acceptance of a match is a contract on your part and please do your best to uphold your end. TURNBACKS are an assigners toughest challenge. Please stick with your games!!
I still have to make some adjustments for mileage and tolls…so don’t panic if you see a discrepancy. If a mistake still exists closer to the start of the season…give me a shout.
If you need a USERNAME or a PASSWORD or have forgotten them…give me a call.
As you know, many of the CUNY schools do not provide game times and locations until we get closer to the season. We need to be understanding of this fact and aware of last minute changes.
Lastly, please understand that the ECAC and many of the coaches are looking to identify some new and especially young and talented officials. Many of us, including myself, need to take a step back and possibly accept a different role in this demanding job. Please do not be offended by such a role or spend time reading more into the change than is necessary.
Hope you all are well and looking forward to working with all of you.
Lou Minutoli
This entry was posted on Wednesday, June 24th, 2009 at 12:02 pm and is filed under General with keyword(s) assignor,ecac. You can follow any comments to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.