October 7, 2014

Knights of Columbus, New Hyde Park, NY


Meeting called to order at 7:31 PM by Executive Vice-President Steve Lewin.

Minutes of the previous business meeting were accepted and approved. Motion to accept: Steve Lewin; seconded: Saam Jalayer.

Steve informed the members that Awards ballots were due to Randy Vogt by 01 November 2014. Members commented they were not aware of the ballot or the deadline. Steve implored members to vote based upon experiences working with others --- not a popularity contest. If you haven’t worked with them, don’t vote for them.

Concussion protocol was discussed again. Members were also urged to review the procedure for ejected players, coaches and/or bench personnel. The junior colleges have a form that must be filled out in the instance of issuance of cards.

Steve addressed members regarding acceptance of assignments and closing of available dates. Members are appearing at wrong times for matches. Officials must manage their availability and communication with crew members for a match. Changes in times and venues are commonplace; look to avoid potential problems.

Joe Danbusky, as a follow-up to Steve’s comments, presented a clinic for “Professionalism in College Soccer”. The clinic addressed all the issues previously raised by Steve’s comments.

A brief discussion followed regarding the perceived reputation of the NY Metro chapter. Joe wished that members could attend a NISOA convention and commiserate with members from around the country. By so doing, they would discover the reputation the chapter has in the minds of others not from the area. That reputation ties in with the attributes enumerated in the clinic presentation.

Meeting adjourned 8:15 PM.

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