October 18, 2010
New Hyde Park Knights of Columbus

Meeting called to order at 7:30PM by President John Puglisi.

Minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and accepted.

John Puglisi spoke to members regarding the sportsmanship/chapter awards voting ballots. He reminded members that the deadline for votes is 29 October to allow time for commemorative plaques to be produced. He further urged members to participate in the voting process, as participation in the past has not been enthusiastic.

John reminded members that, with playoffs upcoming, officials should adhere to the dress codes expected for the NCAA tournament officials.

Joe Danbusky spoke to members regarding annual dues payments and the requirements set forth in the chapter constitution regarding meeting attendance requirements to maintain good standing status.

John Puglisi advised the members of the NISOA partnership with Arbiter Sports, an assigning database for sports officials. Through the NCAA, college soccer officials are urged to register with Arbiter Sports if they are not already registered. The agreements with NISOA, NCAA and Arbiter allows officials access to many online training modules and articles of interest.

Membership solicited for any problems or topics for discussion; none presented.

Meeting adjourned 7:47PM.

Next business meeting: Monday, 15 November 2010.

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