/* http:bL start !!Must be the first commands executed before any headers are sent!! insert this into the beginning of your index.php file at the root of your SMF directory */ $key = '[insert your Project Honey Pot key here]';/* replace bracketed text with your Project Honey Pot key here*/ $result = explode( ".", gethostbyname( $key . "." . implode ( ".", array_reverse( explode( ".", $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] ) ) ) . ".dnsbl.httpbl.org" ) ); if ($result[0] == 127 && $result[2]>25) { /* the default threat score is 25. Feel free to edit/delete it. */ header( "HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently "); header( "Location: [insert your honeypot url here]" );/* replace bracketed text with your honeypot url */ exit;} //http:bL end