September 27, 2016
Clinton G. Martin Community Center, New Hyde Park, NY
Steve Lewin calls the meeting to order at 7:31.
Brendan Mullarkey inquired on who assigns Kings college, as he noticed non-NISOA referees officiating a match there. Discussion ensued amongst the membership about liability insurance not being in effect if working with non-NISOA members. It was brought to the membership’s attention by Jim Memos and Steven Wowk that there is a way under the members section of the NYMISOA website to find if a referee is a NISOA member.
Steve Lewin brought up the publication regarding substitutions from the NISOA website by Todd Abraham earlier I the day.
Kami Riazi brought up noticing more concussions and asked the membership if anyone else had been noticing more cases of it as well.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:05