August 27, 2016

New York Institute of Technology, Greenvale, NY



Meeting called to order by President John Puglisi at 9:00 AM. John welcomed all chapter members and guests from other chapters.

Secretary-Treasurer Joe Danbusky introduced new members to the chapter; Emilie Buse (transfer in), Alric Williams, Austin Reyes (from Elizabethtown), Anthony Desimone, Jack DiBartolo, Andrew and Kevin Skaalerud and George Vargas (from the Candidate school).

Joe presented the Statement of Operations to the membership, noting that a “perfect storm” of unexpected costs brought the chapter’s bank balance to its lowest amount on over ten years. He presented a graph showing the streams of income and expenses over a two year period, prompting some discussion of future financial decision-making.

The clinical portion of the meeting began with John presenting the rules changes affecting the 2016 season, noting that most (not all) of the changes coincided with the Law changes implemented by U.S. Soccer at the beginning of the summer.

He then focused on one rule change particular to the college game this year – Video Review. John pointed out the protocols to be followed should the video review capabilities be available at the game site. Realistically, many schools in our area would not have video review available; nevertheless, it is incumbent upon members to be aware of the procedures.

John’s next clinic was on Match Control. He focused his presentation on being able to read the game, being in position to make the proper calls in tight situations and reacting to incidents occurring near the bench area.

Guests were dismissed; Jack Sweeney was invited to speak briefly about the ECAC/Junior college assigning.

A business meeting forum addressed the financial issues raised by Joe Danbusky earlier. Many members offered ideas to help improve the chapter’s financial situation. Further discussion was slated for future business meetings.

Meeting adjourned 12:00 PM

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