September 28, 2015
Knights of Columbus, New Hyde Park, NY
Meeting called to order at 7:33pm by John Puglisi. John asked the attendees to make sure that they are subscribed to the chapter news either by email or Twitter. John also asked the members keep their email addresses updated and to use the same email address for the chapter and ArbiterSports.com. John noted the previous meeting minutes were posted and thanked Joe Danbusky for a well received clinic on concussions.
Randy Vogt distributed ballots to the attendees for chapter award voting.
Points of interest include:
John presented two clinics. The first clinic was on re-entry requirements and substitutions. The second clinic was on clock management. Brian Dunn shared anecdotes from his matches keeping track of substitutions and re-entries where teams dressed a limited number of players.
The meeting adjourned at 8:17pm.