August 24, 2013
New York Institute of Technology, Greenvale, NY
Meeting commenced with light breakfast served at 8:30AM delivered by Panera.
The meeting was called to order at 9AM by President John Puglisi. He welcomed a good portion of the chapter membership (74 officials) and guests from other chapters,, as well as ECAC conference assignor Jack Sweeney.
Past presidents and chapter members were also recognized (Lance Smith, John Friedrichs, Werner Rothschild).
Joe Danbusky presented the Treasurer’s report, indicating a bank balance of $4,393.30. The largest expenditures were for dues, the annual awards dinner, convention costs and a one-time cost wherein the chapter acquired the new NISOA green short sleeve shirt for members. He then introduced new chapter members who completed the candidate school as well as transfers from other chapters and officials who completed the NISOA school at Elizabethtown.
Randy Vogt spoke briefly concerning Ethics, reiterating what is necessary to be a member in good standing.
The majority of the meeting was then given over to our guest clinician, Dr. Don Wilbur, who spoke about officiating differences from youth to college to the professional game, match control and persistent infringement.
John Puglisi gave a brief presentation on clock management.
Jack Sweeney addressed the members regarding ECAC requirements.
Guests were excused from the meeting.
A brief business meeting was conducted; no major issues were addressed.
Meeting adjourned at 12:20 PM.