September 29, 2010
New Hyde Park Knights of Columbus

Meeting called to order 7:30PM by President John Puglisi.

Minutes of previous meeting reviewed and accepted.

Joe Danbusky had no Treasurer's report; there was no correspondence affecting the chapter.

John advised members of the chapter voting for sportsmanship/ chapter awards. Randy then addressed members, telling them this can be accomplished by written vote. He handed out ballots for members in attendance.

John related observations re games this season:

Discussion of assignors' preferences. Lou Minutoli related conversations with coaches and raised the question: why would you want to do a game if no one wants you there? Bottom line: be polite, be firm.

John ejected a coach last week, and was told by the coach, "You'll never work here again." John worked a game there three days later; he will again be at the site this coming weekend.

Officials should be more selective in accepting assignments, considering fear of retribution from coaches.

Randy Vogt cited coaches without long-time tenure as being the most disruptive.

Discussion, raised by A. Wharton and K. Markott, of ejecting a coach vs. the coach earning that privilege himself. Randy Vogt noted that the coach alluded to in this situation has now become an official; he needs to calm down when wearing his "coach" hat...

Brian Dunn noted that he cautioned a coach and wrote his report. The assignor contacted him and asked him why he did not eject the coach, given the circumstances of the report.

John noted that conference play now begins, so the tone of the games will change dramatically...

Lou Minutoli pointed out the differences in the field assignments at Floyd Bennett Field. He reiterated the importance of printing out Final Game notices; thus you are able to contact all officials assigned to the match. Alan Wharton noted the construction delays at Flatbush Avenue and to allow sufficient time for arriving at the game.

There being no further business, Joe Danbusky made a motion to adjourn on behalf of Lou Minutoli.

Meeting adjourned 8:17PM.

Next business meeting: Monday, 18 October 2010.

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