September 15, 2010
New Hyde Park Knights of Columbus

Meeting called to order 7:30PM by President John Puglisi.

John commented to members that minutes of previous meeting were available on the website. He summarized the salient points of that meeting: (1) - chapter policy on wearing white striped socks when entire crew is from the chapter, (2) - assigning issues.

Joe Danbusky had no report for the Secretary-Treasurer.

Steve Lewin presented slate of officers for upcoming term of office:

Steve queried members for any nominations from the floor. No nominations presented. Joe Danbusky casted a vote to accept the slate as presented; second Tom Cully. Slate accepted by acclamation.

Discussion of removal of jersey in a collegiate match commented on by Brian Dunn. Details posted on website; clarification of NISOA rule posted by Cliff McCrath. Ancillary discussion of dealing with concussive players.

Joe Danbusky presented a brief clinic on the possible establishment of a chapter mentoring program at the behest of NISOA.

Steve Lewin summarized results of refresher test. 80% of chapter scored high on the test. He also commented on the fitness scores and pointed out that officials are not adequately (if at all) preparing for the fitness test in the off-season.

Colin Hope asked why the fitness test is scheduled in the off-season. John pointed out that it can't be administered until the candidates school is completed (usually in March).

Lou Minutoli gave a brief report on the ECAC assignments.

Mike McDonald queried again about assigning matches and an alleged bias in the effort. John reiterated what was discussed at the last meeting: the Board of the chapter is in no way involved with the assigning process ; there are independent assignors that schedule crews for games. Fitness scores are not articulated to the assignors. McDonald singled out Messrs. Wharton, Botsaris, Sweeney, Ivahnenko and Minutoli in his displeasure with the fairness of match assignments. He also questioned the failure to follow Robert's Rules of Order in the meetings. John noted his comments.

Meeting adjourned at 8:20PM

Next business meeting: Wednesday, 29 September 2010.

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