November 16, 2009
New Hyde Park, NY
The NY Metro chapter held its annual awards dinner at The Sterling in Bethpage on Monday evening, 16 November 2009. Sixty-two members were in attendance for a relaxing evening of socialization, food and drink and some chapter business. President John Puglisi welcomed the members and invited guests (sportsmanship award recipients). John reminded the membership of discussions and a motion made at a previous business meeting regarding a change in the wording to the chapter constitution allowing (a): any dues paying members to serve on the Board, and (b) the President may appoint up to five dues paying members to serve on the Board in the capacity of Director.
John called for a vote by a show of hands among all members present. Secretary - Treasurer Joe Danbusky took a physical count. The results of the tabulation are as follows:
In favor : 54
Opposed: none
Abstentions: none.
On-line ballots will be posted for all members who did not attend the dinner.
For the remainder of the evening, a good time was had by all.
Best wishes to all for the upcoming Holiday season!