SEPTEMBER 15, 2009
New Hyde Park, NY
Meeting called to order by President John Puglisi at 7:30 PM.
Minutes of 29 August 2009 business meeting were accepted and approved.
Joe Danbusky had nothing to report in terms of correspondence.
Randy Vogt raised the issue of whether or not the chapter should change the day and time of its interpretation meeting from a Saturday morning to a weekday evening. He recounted events of the past and noted that the collegiate season seems to be starting earlier than in the past. He stated the Saturday meeting hampered officials' opportunity to officiate that day. He posited that a weekday night meeting would not impinge on officials' game commitments.
Discussion ensued regarding this topic. Randy pointed out that the meeting used to be an all day affair, and tiresome for most members. Reinaldo Palencia brought up the issue of night games conflicting with a weekday clinic. Fred Wachter pointed out that members would be more attentive at the Saturday morning meeting than at a weekday evening meeting, most members having worked a full day at their places of employment and thus being fatigued. John noted that attendance at the Saturday clinic has been excellent in recent years. In addition, out of state guests also benefit from the clinic. John stated that our chapter is one of the last opportunities for officials, both near and far, to avail themselves of a mandatory clinic. Lance Smith suggested that we consider alignment with NISOA in its change to two year rule revisions.. Mario Orlando questioned whether the Saturday clinic could start earlier. Joe Danbusky commented that it would depend on the school supplying the venue --- since liability insurance is required, the school would have the final say as to the time frame for the meeting. Discussions will continue at subsequent meetings with, hopefully, a decision to be made by the dinner.
John noted problems with Yahoo email users receiving email from our chapter's mail server. Yahoo.com is targeting our mail server unfairly and not delivering email (such as Lou Minutoli's Gaps emails) to their users. This is a reoccurring problem with Yahoo.com. He suggested that members who use Yahoo consider a different provider (gmail for example).
Lou Minutoli suggested using an alternative e-mail address just for soccer. He reported that 99% of members are doing what is supposed to be done. There were a couple of missed assignments, which is unacceptable. the ECAC website is not user friendly, and Lou tries to update as much current information as possible to allow officials valid updates. He also discussed the fact that one game occurred where a draw was obtained at the end of regulation, and coaches decided not to play overtime. Coaches have no say in whether or not overtime is played.
John reiterated that crews should communicate with each other prior to the match.
Steve Lewin covered the questions most incorrectly answered on the refresher test.
John noted the next meeting dates of October 7th and 27th.
Joe Danbusky stated dues for 2010 are due November 1st.
Meeting adjourned 8:08PM.