SEPTEMBER 23, 2008
New Hyde Park, NY

Meeting called to order by President John Puglisi at 7:30 PM.

John thanked those officials who shrouded their badges during matches earlier this month, mourning the passing of Dr. Ray Bernabei. John briefly summarized the content of the previous meeting's minutes for the membership. Motion to approve previous meeting's minutes by Steve Lewin; second by Klaus Mueller.

Secretary-Treasurer Joe Danbusky reported that dues have started to come in, although he has not yet made deposits to the bank. He reminded members that, according to the chapter constitution, dues are payable by 01 November of each year. However, as an accommodation to members, dues are accepted up until mid-December. He pointed out that chapter registration with NISOA must be accomplished before 31 December; members who do not pay dues before that date are considered late registrants by NISOA and charged a late registration fee of $100 on top of the chapter dues of $160

Steve Zalinsky queried about paying dues and then changing status. John replied that policy was that once dues were sent to National, status changes could be made, but dues could not be recovered from National --- there are no refunds, as per NISOA. Extreme circumstances (illness, job loss, etc.) will be considered by the chapter Board. Failure of the fitness test does not warrant a refund of dues.

John asked for a vote of members present for a change in the wording of the constitution relative to the timing of when elections shall take place (old wording: 4th business meeting; new wording: at a scheduled business meeting). Discussion ensued involving timing of nominations and elections.

John asked for a show of hands of members who would support a change in the constitution to allow elections to occur at any business meeting. By count of members in attendance: 46 yea, zero nay, zero abstain.

Kami Riazi raised a question regarding elections. John stated the Board, through a nominating committee, would present a slate of officers at the next meeting. Additional nominations would be taken from the floor, but the member must either be present at the meeting or submit in writing beforehand a statement of intention. Anyone interested in running for office should contact Bob Soskis, chair of the nominating committee.

New business:
Clarification for members regarding ejections for fighting:
Pertains to all levels: (D1, D2, D3, Region XV): notify Neil Edkins using form available on chapter website.
Ejection report goes to Brian Crossman with notification to conference assignor also. Fighting and/or ejection must be reported as soon as possible after conclusion of match.
When there is a fighting ejection, the scorekeeper and coaches must be advised that the ejection was for fighting. John advised members to refer to the NCAA rule book for its definition of "fighting".

Alan Wharton discussed turnbacks, availability, having equipment with you every day; complaints from coaches about arrogance. Discussion also occurred regarding schools cancelling games and/or scheduling an additional game at the last minute.

John advised members of the Board's position regarding multiple assignments on the same day.

Sal Sparacino commented regarding the NISOA position of being physically fit for the college game.

Steve Lewin went over the five questions on the refresher test that less than 70% of the members answered correctly.
Memory aid regarding substitution in last five minutes of the match: rule 3.6.2 and 3.6.3

Lively discussion of circumstances cited in the refresher test questions.

John urged members to give serious consideration in awarding sportsmanship to schools for the current season. Steve Lewin will coordinate the input officials provide him.

Meeting adjourned 8:35 PM.

Next meeting: Monday, 06 October 2008.

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